A Journey into my mind, where I will write about everything I think about: whether is be politics, science, interests, hobbies, working out, my job, love, boredom, confusion, ect.

Hold onto your mouse, it's going to be a wild ride...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reflections on School Subject: English Class

Being a Senior at my school is really unique, mostly because I get out of school at noon rather than 3:00. Due to this, I have the chance to gain a unique perspective on my fellow students.

Sitting at a table in the English classroom, I occasionally observe the class in session while I do random work on my computer. I hear the 6th grade learn about sentence structure., the 9th grade learn about various British poets, and the 11th grade learn read our founding documents and letters from our founding fathers in excruciatingly painful detail.

One may ask "Is this really necessary? Do we REALLY need to know about all of this?!" to which my reply would be "Yes."

English class, however boring it may be, provides you with the opportunity to learn about HOW to write, WHO wrote, WHAT was written, WHY it was written, and WHAT it did to the people of the time. Literature effects the masses, whether you notice it or not.

Ideas have consequences, some good and some bad. Ideas come to fruition on paper, and that bit of literature can have either little effect, or tremendous effect. Do you want to effect others with what you write? Then you better learn how people accomplished that in the past.

And you can only learn THAT in English class.

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