A Journey into my mind, where I will write about everything I think about: whether is be politics, science, interests, hobbies, working out, my job, love, boredom, confusion, ect.

Hold onto your mouse, it's going to be a wild ride...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Trying to decide upon my MOS...

I probably have about a month until I need to head back down to the Military Entrance Processing Station to sign up for the Air Force. Once there, I'll have to decide on what career I want. And let me tell you: I'm having a hard time deciding! Here's what I'm caught between:

*Airborne Linguist - I want this job for the reason that I may qualify for East Asia and get to be stationed there.

*Aerial Gunner - I'd love the "action" this would provide me with, and the travel. Also, I'd enjoy learning the mechanics of it all.

Unfortunately, Aerial Gunner is a hard job to get, so I may have to choose something else instead. Also, I can't go straight into Airborne Linguist, I'd have to choose something else first, THEN take the Defense Language Aptitude Battery to see if I qualify to learn a language.

I don't know, I'm just a little worried...

In other news: my quest to learn to write Japanese is going well. I've already learned 22 "letters": A, I, U, E, O, ka, ki, ku, ke, ko, ga, gi, gu, ge, go, sa, shi, su, se, so, za, + ji(zi). Two a day, baby! Two a day...

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